colorful world AI

Code & Design

Priscilla Trevizan

It's a pleasure to welcome you here! Since I decided to follow the path of technology, the freedom to create innovative solutions has been my main motivation. I'm looking to build a solid career and I'm lucky to find talented people who share their knowledge with me. I'm determined to evolve and contribute significantly. To create, innovate, and improve - whether in processes, systems, or relationships. Let's create something together?


Front-end Developer Icon

Front-end Developer

I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and well-thought-out interactions.

"languages" I speak:

Html, Css, sCss, Sass, Git


UI/UX Designer Icon

UI/UX Designer

I value a simple structure, clean design, and well-planned interactions for a user-friendly experience.

"Things" I like to design:

UI, UX, Web, Apps, Logos


Github Vue.js JavaScript
Code Icon

Constantly updated

Development Projects

BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator


Product Registration Form

Product Registration Forms


API Authentication

API Authentication


In this section, I present basic study and training projects, commercial projects are not exposed for confidentiality reasons.

Talk to me

Bonus Section

In this section, I present how developing this site was.